Book Launch: Living with the Sermon

Book Launch: Living with the Sermon

On Tuesday the 25th February we will be celebrating the release of Rob Hoch-Yidokodiltona's new book, Living with the Sermon: Signposts on the Footpaths of Preaching. We will gather in the chapel at 19:00, with the book launch commencing at 19:30.

"A book with real heart, bringing the reader on an intellectual and spiritual journey towards becoming a more skilful and thoughtful preacher"

Adam J. Scott, Principal, Northern College, Manchester

There is, according to Rob, a 'wink and a peek' to the preaching life, some playful mischief, some mystery: yet, in a practical spirit, down-to-earth signposts to help along the way. Rob is associate tutor for Northern College’s lay preacher programme and training @ LKC and learning mentor for North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church in the United Kingdom.

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