At the heart of Jesus’ vision is a reality he called the kingdom of God. It’s close at hand, yet eludes our grasp; the ultimate goal to aim for, but often emerging unexpectedly – under the nose of prevailing systems and beyond the church’s control. So what is it? Unlike other kingdoms, it is best understood as Holy Anarchy – a realm in which all dynamics of domination, not least in the church, are subverted. It cuts across the loyalties and boundaries of religion and fosters the greatest possible solidarity amongst the different. Even the divine power which gives rise to it is not like the usual power of kingdoms; instead, it is symbolised by childlikeness, the significance of what is small and awesomely weak. Throughout this book, the thread of Holy Anarchy bears witness to the possibility of doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with your God.
Described by Anthony Reddie as 'a brilliant text that seeks to help us interpret the world differently’, Graham Adams' latest book "Holy Anarchy" is now available to order at https://scmpress.hymnsam.co.uk/books/9780334061908/holy-anarchy or other reputable book sellers
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