The Revd Dr Adam Scott CPsychol

Tutor in Pastoral Psychology

Adam is an ordained URC minister and a chartered psychologist. He teaches on the Chaplaincy Studies programme, particularly in the area of reflective practice. Adam has research interests in psychological resilience, trauma, religious abuse and human potentiality and growth. He lives in Stockport with his husband and two dogs and is active in the life of the North Western Synod of the URC.


Scott, A.J., and Adam, K. (2017). ‘Mindfulness based cognitive therapy’. In C. Feltham, T. Hanley, & A.W. Winter (Eds.), The Sage handbook of counselling (pp. 246-251). London: Sage.

Hanley, T., Cutts, L. and Scott, A.J. (2016). 'Humanistic approaches to pluralistic therapy'. In W. Dryden, & M. Cooper (Eds), Handbook of pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy (pp. 95-108). London: Sage.  

Scott, A.J. (2013). ‘How to skin a cat: A case for and against the use of mindfulness based cognitive therapy in pluralistic therapy.’ Counselling Psychology Review, 28(1), pp. 81-90.

Hanley, T., Cutts, L., Gordon, R. and Scott, A.J. (2013). ‘Research informed therapy’. In G. Davey (Ed.) Applied Psychology. London: BPS Wiley Blackwell.

Scott, A.J. (2012). Book Review: Faith, hope and therapy: counselling with St. Paul Counselling Psychology Review, 27(1), pp. 77 – 78.

Scott, A.J. and Hanley, T. (2012). ‘On becoming a pluralistic therapist: A case study of a student’s reflexive journal’. Counselling Psychology Review, 27 (4), pp. 28 – 40.

Hanley, T., Cutts, L. A., and Scott, A.J. (2012). ‘Where does all the research go? Reflections on supporting trainee-applied psychologists to publish their research’. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 25(3), pp. 201-210.
