The Revd Graham Sparkes

Tutor in Christian Spirituality

Graham is a member of the Open College staff team and serves as President of LKC. He is an ordained Baptist minister, and has involvement in the life and ministry of Manchester Cathedral and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. His main area of teaching is Christian spirituality, and his research interests include the relationship between faith and art. He has co-authored ‘God and the Art of Seeing’.


Sparkes, G. (2022). Ministry and Art. In A. Goodliff and J Colwell (Eds), Ministry in Conversation (pp. 1-16). Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock.

Sparkes, G. (2019). Imaging the infinite. Journal of European Baptist Studies, 19(2), 37-50.

Sparkes, G. (2017). The journey: The research process. In A. G. Reddie (Ed), Journeying to justice: Contributions to the Baptist tradition across the Black Atlantic (pp. 94-102). Milton Keynes: Paternoster.

Sparkes, G. (2016). Faith and Art: Reforming Perspectives. Baptistic Theologies, 8(2) pp. 33-45.

Sparkes, G. (2015). How do we share the faith beyond the walls of the church?: A conversation between Donald Allister, Graham Sparkes, Martin Davie, Jeremy Worthen et al. In P. S. Fiddes (Ed.), Sharing the faith at the boundaries of unity: Further conversations between Anglicans and Baptists (pp.109 – 137). Oxford: Regents Park College.

Sparkes, G. (2014). Creation: living with beauty and terror. Retreats, pp.10-11.

Sparkes, G. (2004). Violence and mission: Exploring the clash of civilisation through Shaffer’s ‘The Royal Hunt of the Sun’. In A. Clare (Ed.), Expecting justice, but seeing bloodshed: Some Baptist contributions to following Jesus in a violent world. Oxford: Whitley Publications.

Kidd, R. and Sparkes, G. (2003) God and the art of seeing: visual resources for a journey of faith. Oxford: Regent's Park College.

Sparkes, G. (2002). The dark side of covenant. In A. Clarke (Ed.), Bound for glory?: God, church and world in covenant (pp. 59-72). Oxford: Whitley Publications.
